In math, we were learning about inequalities. There is one inequality that needs a close dot on a number line. That is equal to or =. This sign needs a closed dot because it includes that number. For example, > with and equal under it means it it includes it. If you leave it out, it just means > with out a closed dot.
    I learned that an equal to needs a closed sot because it includes that number. I never knew this, but now I know it needs a closed dot. I can teach someone else like my brothers and sisters .
    In algebra, we have some useful ways to solve equations. One way to solve subtracting integers is the keep change change method. Another way to solve word problems is to highlight key information and draw a picture to help you with the problem. There are many methods to help you solve math equations, but the one I like is PEMDAS. That method helps you solve difficult problems with a lot of numbers.
    What I learned about this was how to use PEMDAS. PEMDAS is a really helpful strategy that makes difficult equations easier. I can teach other people about this strategy like 5th grade students.
    In math, we really don't use division for fractions and other problems. So why is there no such thing as division? For example, 2x=16. You might use division to find the answer, but is there another way to find the answer. You can multiply by the reciprocal. So instead of 16/2, you would do 2/1 * 1/16 to get the answer.
    What I learned from this concept was that there is another way to find the answer instead of dividing. You can multiply instead of dividing. This method is more useful because you can be more certain of your answer.
    Why are there infinite numbers between 0 and 1? There are decimals after every number. So for example, 0.1, 0.2, 0.35, 1.466. So there are many numbers between 0 and 1. In math, some answers might have decimals, so we use decimals. If we didn't have those numbers, we wouldn't know how to do problems.
    What I learned was that there are many infinite numbers between 0 and 1. The reason that there are many numbers between 0 and 1 is that they have decimals in them. Decimals count as numbers.
    The question is why does the denominator get larger in a fraction then the decimal number gets smaller. First a fraction means divide, so for example 1/8 means 1 divided by 8. So you would get a decimal, but why does the number get smaller? This happens because divide means you make it smaller or it means you put them into groups. What that means is that you put them into groups and make that big group smaller.
    I learned that the reason this happens is because you divide and it makes the fraction into a decimal. 
    Today in algebra we learned how to find the value of variable x in pirates code. The teacher showed us how to find x with a number line. you have to work backwards and do the inverse operation. So for example, (x+ 20 )- 30) x 10 and so you would have to work backwards. The first thing you would do is to change x 10 to divide 10. Then change  -30 to   + 30. After that you change + 20 to - 20. So you really work backwards to find the variable x.
    At first I really didn't get it because it confused me. After that he showed us a number line to help us with the problem. Then I really understood how to solve the problem.