Remember we use Pi to find the circumference or area of a circle. This problem says how to find the area of a circle with a radius of 3ft and find the circumference. To find the area, the formula is pi x radius x squared. So if the radius is 3 then you multiply by 3 to get 9. Then you multiply by pi, which is 3.14. 3.14 x 9 is 28.26ft. So the area of the circle is 28.26ft.

    To find the perimeter of a circle, we use a different formula. the formula to find the perimeter of a circle is pi x diameter. Since the radius is 3 you add another radius to get the diameter which is 6. So the formula is 3.14 x 6. You multiply that to get 18.84ft. So the diameter of this circle is 18.84ft.




    Do you guys know what pi is? I'm not talking about the food pie. I am talking about the mathematical constant. Pi is the mathematical constant in which we use it to find the circumference of a circle of the area of a circle. Pi is an irrational number and can be expressed in many ways. It can be expressed as a fraction like 22/7 or it can be a number like 3.14. Pi goes on forever and ever and never stops. Pi has been known for about 4,000 years. No one knows who found Pi. Its founder is unknown. 

    We celebrate Pi on a day called Pi Day. Pi Day is on March 14 because the number 3.14 represents March the third month and 14 which is on the 14 of March. Many people celebrate Pi Day. Here at Computech, it's the best day ever. We have a whole celebration for pi. We have a contest about remembering the most digits from pi and we see who can remember the most digits. There are also many fun activities that I don't know about so it is going to be so fun. I can't wait and see what they have in store for us.
    Now that we know the equation of a line, which is y=mx+b, we can now graph it. How do we graph it? It's pretty easy. First you graph the b variable, which is the y-intercept. You look on the y axis and look for that number. After you find it, you put a dot on it. Next you need to graph the mx part, which is the slope of the line. It is called the rise over run because you go up and then go to the right. If it is negative, you go down and then go right. The slope of the line looks like it is going up hill. If it is negative, the slope of the line will go down hill.

    What I learned was how to graph the equation, y=mx+b. When I first learned it, it was pretty hard. The variables would just confuse me. Once I got help from my teacher, it was just easy. Sometimes we would have to find the b variable and sometimes we would have to find the mx part. To find the m part, this is the equation to find it which is delta y over delta x. What that means is y2-y1/x2-x1. That is how you find m if you have two points like (0,5) and (9,4). To find b, you input one of the points into the y=mx+b equation. So it would look like 4=m(9)+b. You would multiply the m with the x and then subtract 4 and add the mx part to get b.