Now that we know the equation of a line, which is y=mx+b, we can now graph it. How do we graph it? It's pretty easy. First you graph the b variable, which is the y-intercept. You look on the y axis and look for that number. After you find it, you put a dot on it. Next you need to graph the mx part, which is the slope of the line. It is called the rise over run because you go up and then go to the right. If it is negative, you go down and then go right. The slope of the line looks like it is going up hill. If it is negative, the slope of the line will go down hill.

    What I learned was how to graph the equation, y=mx+b. When I first learned it, it was pretty hard. The variables would just confuse me. Once I got help from my teacher, it was just easy. Sometimes we would have to find the b variable and sometimes we would have to find the mx part. To find the m part, this is the equation to find it which is delta y over delta x. What that means is y2-y1/x2-x1. That is how you find m if you have two points like (0,5) and (9,4). To find b, you input one of the points into the y=mx+b equation. So it would look like 4=m(9)+b. You would multiply the m with the x and then subtract 4 and add the mx part to get b.
    In algebra, we have studied the equation of a line. The equation of a line is y=mx+b. When you graph that equation, you get a straight line. A question to ask is, what does the b variable do? Well, the b variable in the equation represents the y-intercept of the line. Ever straight line has a y-intercept. When you change the y-intercept, you get a different thing.

    Another question is what does the m variable do? The m variable is the slope of the line. The slope would look like this, 3/4x. Every straight line has a slope. If you were to change the the slope of the line, the line would become steeper or lower. The points of the line would also change since you changed the the slope.        
    Today we had to find the cost of a 12 pack of Mountain Dew and a liter of Mountain Dew and see which one is the better buy. I did some research and found out that a pack of Mountain Dew cost 12.99. A liter of Mountain Dew costs about five dollars. I would say that a 12 pack of Mountain Dew is better because if you have people who want some, then you can give them a bottle of it. If you had a family who liked soda, then you can give the family a liter of soda.

    I used a math systems of equations. In algebra we used this to find out what was the better deal of going to different amusement parks. I used this to find out which is the better deal. You could pay little and get two liters of Mountain Dew for 10 dollars or get a 12 pack for 12.99. I would go with the 12 pack of Mountain Dew.
    There were so many things I learned in algebra that I didn't know about. There is one thing I remembered most and it was solving systems of equations. There are two ways to solve and it is substitution and elimination. Elimination is where you eliminate a variable that is the same for example, x=2 x=2, and you eliminate it. Substitution is where you substitute the variable with the expression. For example, if it is y=2x+7 and y=3x+9 then you substitute by putting 2x+7=3x+9.

    The thing that helped me learn this was remembering if the y's are the same, then it is a substitution problem. If no variable is the same, then it is an elimination problem. This really helped me because at first I didn't know how to do this. I got help from Mr.Erickson and it really helped me.

    Today in algebra, we were eliminating pictures to find out how much it is worth. We also used equations to do the same. When I first saw how to do it, it was really difficult. I didn't know how to do it. There were to many things to do. I felt overwhelmed because of all the math there was to do. I'm deciding to get some help during break to help me do this math.
    I still haven't learned how to do the math because it was difficult. My friends knew what they were doing, but I didn't know what I was doing at all. I felt "dumb" because my friends knew what they were doing and I didn't. I don't get overwhelmed a lot.
    In algebra, we learned how to find an equation with only two points. First you have two to y-y/x-x. For example (5,10) (9,14), so you do 14-10/9-5 =    4/4 = 1. So you got m= 1. So y=1 x + b. Now you need to find b so you get one of the points and input it into the equation. so 10=1 (5) + b. 10= 5 + b ,then you subtract 10-5 and get b=5. So your equation is y=1 x + 5.
    What I learned was how to find an equation with only two points. At first this was really hard, and I didn't know how to do it. Then I got help from Mr.Erickson and the help really helped me. I always get help when I don't get the lesson.
    Square roots are kind of like the opposite of exponents. But why are they called square roots? Well, square roots are called that because they are the opposite of exponents. Exponents have two things - squared and cubed. When you say you have squared 2, you mean 2*2. When you say you cubed two, you mean 2*2*2. 
    So that means that roots work the opposite way - they divide by the number. Like, say that you want to find the square root of 16. Whatever times itself equals to 16 is its square roots and that's why square 

    In math, there is a a problem that looks like this 5^-2= 1/25. The question why is this problem not negative. This is not negative because if you look closely you will see this ^. That means multiply. So it would be a negative times a negative equals a positive. Then why is it less than one. If you multiply -5 x -5 it equals 25. That is the denominator on the fraction. So the fraction is 1/25. That is where the one comes from.
    This was a little bit challenging for me because at first I didn't know how to do this.
    Exponents are a way of multiplying faster, but not like 2 x 3. Exponents look like this 6 to the 5 power. You can't show it on a computer, but that is how a exponent is said. 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 can be simplified to 5 to the 4th power. I have seen exponents on a test or on math homework. Exponents are used in real life when you are paying interest or have to deal with money.
    What I learned was that exponents are not only used for math, but they can be used for other things. Exponents can really help with every day problems like money or interest. With exponents it can make life easier. I can teach anyone this like family or friends.
    I played a game where you had to subtract numbers or fractions or decimals and you also had to find a pattern with it. The pattern was solving left to right up and down. Then you had to solve diagonally. It was really hard at first because I didn't know the pattern and how it worked. After a couple of tries, I got the hang of it and passed all of the activities. The hardest one was solving fractions because you can't solve it in your head, you have to write it down and solve it.
    This experience helped me figure out the pattern and solve the problems. The easiest one was solving with whole numbers. I can teach someone else this so they can know what to do.