I felt so happy because we won the quiz bowl. I've won the quiz bowl before for my team. We celebrated and danced around. Our prize was that we could pick first. Then the leaders said that everybody wins and that everybody could pick a prize. I felt great because everybody could pick a prize. So we went to pick our prize and I picked a Sponge Bob inflatable. 

When I came back, I was devastated. Someone had stolen my five dollar bill. It was in my folder, but when I came back it was gone. I didn't know what to do, so I asked my friends. They said they didn't know either. I started to suspect that one of my friends took it because they are always messing around and being bad. After that I just gave up and didn't want to look for it. After that we had lunch and the dinning hall. The food was always excellent as usual. Then we headed to our last stop which was the bowling alley and the arcade.
1/24/2013 02:01:51 am

I really liked this blog and I didn't catch any mistakes, so Good Job!


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