In science, we did a frog dissection to helps learn the parts of a frog and kind of get an idea of where the parts are. The frog dissection was really fun and helped me learn where the parts of a frog are. This kind of makes you think of how surgeons do surgery on people who need it. It kind of gave me an idea on how surgery really works on people with the frog dissection. It makes me think that some surgeons probably dissected something in their life to get an idea of how surgery works on people.

With the frog dissection, it gives you an idea of where the parts are. If you learn this, it might help you learn where the parts of a human are. If there was no practice on surgery, then we would do everything wrong. I bet some of the surgeons out there started by dissecting something to get an idea of how the human body looks like on the inside. If there was nothing to practice on, then the surgeons wouldn't know what to do, or how to do something. That is why we need to practice on something first to get an idea of how to do this.

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