I read this article called The Physics of Santa Claus. It was about how Santa couldn't be real and all the evidence that he couldn't be real. It said how Santa's sleigh had to be really fast to give presents to all the good boys and girls. He would also gain a lot of weight because he would have to eat a lot of cookies and milk. It also said how fast his sleigh would go and that his reindeer would burn and that he would also die because he would burn too.
    I also checked the rebuttals to see how people would respond. Some people said that the calculations were wrong, but they still agreed. I would say that Santa couldn't be real because he would die on the trip. He would also have to have a lot of presents on his sleigh and have to carry a lot of weight. Also, he would gain a lot of weight by eating so many cookies and drinking a lot of milk. Still this article was really funny.
    If he were real, then it would be pretty impressive for him to still be alive after Christmas. I wish Santa was real because he would give presents to the good people. My family already knows that Santa Claus isn't real. I'm pretty sure that everyone in the world knows that Santa Claus isn't real. It's just my opinion.
    In science, we learned how DNA replicates. DNA replicates during interphase. When DNA replicated, it splits down the middle like a zipper does. After it splits down, you have two strands of DNA. Then to fill in those empty spots, floating nucleotides in the cytoplasm fill in those spots. It has to match with the old DNA. For example, if cytosine is there, then guanine fills in that spot. After that happens you get two new DNA helixes.
    What I learned was how DNA replicates. One scientist named Erwin Chargaff made Chargaff's rules. The rules state that adenine always pairs up with thymine. Guanine always pairs up with cytosine. Then mitosis happens after interphase is completed. 
    In science, we are learning about the structure of DNA. DNA contains information for the cells. DNA looks like a double helix, a twisted ladder. When DNA has to make copies of itself, it unzips like a zipper and makes two DNA helixes and uses nucleotides to make it. DNA contains sugar and phosphate groups. Cytosine all ways pairs up with guanine Adenine always pairs up with thymine. DNA also contains hydrogen bonds.
    What I learned was how DNA makes copies of itself and what DNA contains. The people who discovered DNA were James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin, Maurice Wilkins, and Erwin Chargaff. These people were the first to discover DNA. Rosalind Franklin was the first to discover DNA and two forms of it, A and B. She also made a photo that was a picture of DNA and was called Photo 51. She thought that DNA had a spiral shape to it.